I've spent the greater part of my young life (30 years and counting!) preparing and persevering to achieve my goal of ultimately becoming a physician. Then one day, countless examinations and applications later, I found myself now working as a hospitalist, having accomplished my life's dream, wondering what comes next.
Turns out, everything.
I've always been a lover of books, film, and music, and most of all, writing. Now as a practicing hospitalist, I've had time to pursue those other interests, and have had more time to reflect on our current state of affairs. We live in challenging times, and I hope that by cataloguing my own (often scattered!) thoughts and select stories, I can help share my experiences and potentially catalyze some of you to recognize your passions, strengthen your convictions, and/or even initiate your own creative enterprises. I'm a doctor, a wife, a daughter, sister, writer, cook, dancer, and fan of fuzzy socks.
I'm alive. We all are. So let's get living.
Copyright © 2019 A New Kind of Renaissance Woman. An Examined Life. - All Rights Reserved.